Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My internet has been playing tricks on me for over a month. I think the company has finally fixed my problems. Grrr.. four different visits were made to my house by the technicians to fix the problem and each time they said it was really fixed and they would not have to come back. lets see how long it lasts this time.

I hate falling in love with my blogging and then deserting the cause for such an expanded period. I am back though until the next technician has to come.

Friday, January 29, 2010


One of my co-workers writes a blog on the middle school mouth. It should turn out to be very interesting.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow days

Getting snow days in Alabama is rare. Last we we got out early on Thursday and were off for a snow day on Friday. I love snow days. Not as much as I did when I was young and wanted to play in the snow, but I still love them just the same.

I woke up early on Friday and sat in my study watching the snow drift to the ground in a pattern similar to a marching band performing on the field. each little dot of snow had a plan and the plans were all followed.

Three and a half days off right after Christmas break sounds so hard to beleive but I enjoyed each one of them. I went to school today to make sure no pipes had burst or any other major disruption had occured. Guess business will be as usual tomorrow.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Teachers are out

Our teachers are out but I still have one more day, Monday. The building will be so quiet.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Vacation

Today as I locked the doors, I said "merry Christmas." Before the day ended we had a fight though. What a way to go to the buses on the last day of the semester. Fights at school in the old days meant a couple of boys horsing around and punching each other a few times. Today one girl jerking another girl's hair and pushing her down the hill into the gully. Not a pretty sight. Girls forgot they were suppose to act like ladies

Sunday, December 13, 2009

AS CHristmas nears

The children feel the spirit when no one else does. They slide through the halls with a jolly nature and surround us with hope. I love school in the winter when there is no where else to really be. The walls call my name even on my days off.I hear please to come and see different things the students have made and I am eager to get into each classroom to watch the joy learning brings.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Becky's Kiddie College

My first experience in school involved a fabulous little van we called a bus which picked me up at on Myrtle Avenue each morning. Back in those days if you were going to kindergarten, it had to be a private one. I will never be sure how my parents afforded it since we were living in a one bedroom apartment with two kids and two parents. They found a way though and so I eagerly waited on the curb each morning for my ride off to the adventures for the day.

Inside this special place we even had a bridge under which we pretended the "Troll" lived A stool in a corner? Of course What a wonderful beginning for a career in schools.